Date: | 1918-9 |
For: | Voice (high/medium) and piano |
Published by: | State Publishing House 1920, Zimmermann 1923 |
Availability: | Zimmermann (1923/1994)
#4 only: Kompozitor (St Petersburg) in Forgotten Pages of Russian Romance (2004) |
Chernykh sop/Orfenova 1990 Melodiya SUCD 10-00566 - nla #1,2 Melodiya MELCO0398
Fomina sop/Karpeyev 2018 Chandos CHAN20171
Levental mez/Peters 2020 Brilliant Classics 96061
no. 1
Dolukhanova mez/Kozel c.1955 Melodiya D 3238/9, C10-04831, Monitor MC2029† Vista Vera VVCD-00175, Russian Disc RDCD11342‡ - nla
Del Grande bar/Pleshakov 1971 Orion ORS7157 Orion LAN0452
Andrew sop/Tozer 1993 Chandos CHAN9327
Durseneva mez/Orfenova 2014 Melodiya MELCD 10-02318
Gringytė mez/Burnside 2016-17 Delphian DCD34177
nos. 1, 3
L Simonova mez/Strzhizhivskaya c.1974 Melodiya C10-04997/8 export 1 export 2
nos. 1, 4
Ivanilova sop/Berezovsky 2007 Mirare MIR059, MIR290
nos. 2, 4
Sirotinina sop/V Shraibman c.1974 Melodiya C10-05543/4**
Siurina sop/Burnside 2016-17 Delphian DCD34177
no. 3
Dolukhanova mez/Erokhin 1958/Leningrad* JMR CD003 (Russia)
Fedoseyev bar/Zubravskaya 1978 Melodiya C10-11305/6 export Melodiya MELCO0398
Savenko bbar/Yampolsky 1995 Triton DICC-26049 - nla Exton 453818281763
no. 4
Lavrova sop/Lebedev 1950s IMLab 058
Pluzhnikov ten/Shafran 1985 Melodiya C10-23791/2
Ivanilova sop/Derzhavina 2006/Moscow* Vista Vera VVCD-00209
no. 5
N Rozhdestvenskaya sop/?Bernar 1947-53 Melodiya D 19565/6
† Accompanist given as Alexander Erokhin. This track on the Monitor LP is not listed in the BIRS discography. Monitor Records was not the most reliable of labels, however I do not have the LP so cannot rule out the possibility that it is a different recording, presumably a live performance.
‡ Incorrectly given as 1966-8 with Svetlanova. The Vista Vera CD gives Kozel and a recording date of 1956. See notes to Op 36.
** Composer of no.2 Tears incorrectly given as Taneyev. Unsurprisingly, this track is not listed in the BIRS discography.
Osadchy vc/Markin 2010 Bolo Classique 8010